She underlined that Emirati woman is living in her golden age, citing that Emirati women are represented by 46 per cent of total of the electoral college nationwide. Following is the full text of the speech: “Amid huge achievements scored by Emirati woman in all fields due to Allah first and the vision of the late founder of UAE Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who established the advanced model for woman empowerment in the region. This course was followed up by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Just days ahead of the Federal National Council (FNC) elections, I call upon our sisters and daughters nationwide to participate effectively in the elections to complement the process of woman empowerment development. Emirati woman was and still has effective presence in public life, and had scored conspicuous successes through occupying senior posts in the Cabinet, FNC membership and jobs in different sectors across the country. This was possible because of Emirati woman’s competence and the UAE’s efforts to value citizens regarding their national service contribution irrespective of gender and social differences. Today, we are at the threshold of the FNC elections, which shows Emirati woman is in her golden age. Due to confidence vested on woman by our prudent leadership, Emirati woman is represented by 46 per cent of total of the electoral colleges nationwide. Therefore, I call upon each woman voter to exercise her electoral right and hold the future of country dear when electing representatives to the next FNC. Finally, I would like to express my pride about Emirati woman, hoping that she will rise to the expectations of the leadership to exercise her electoral rights. Your votes are trust and responsibility.”