Young Sahrawi women who were kidnapped and held against their will in the camps of Tindouf

Hundreds of people took part last weekend in Seville (south of Spain) in two sit-ins to call for releasing young Sahrawi women who were kidnapped and held against their will in the camps of Tindouf on the Algerian territory.

During two days, members of Spanish adoptive families of these Sahrawi women and other people staged a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the town council of the Andalusian capital to denounce the situation of these young women who lived long years with these families in Spain.

According to Spanish news agency EFE, a document demanding the release of these women was handed out during the sit-in and signed by 1,200 people, in addition to 1,500 signatures which was collected earlier.

The document called also on the Spanish authorities to take the necessary measures in this regard and enable the victims to freely practice their right of returning to Spain.

The families of Darya Embarek Selma, Najiba Mohamed Belkacem and Koria Badbad Hafed also lodged a complaint with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) against Algeria and the polisario.

Source :Morocco World News