A woman with ties to the Sudan Consulate was struck by a stray bullet in Queens while she was with two of her young children, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Wednesday. The tots miraculously escaped injury. The violence unfolded as Mawahad Elbahi, 31, was carrying her year-old son and had her 3-year-old daughter at her side on 31st Drive in Astoria Tuesday afternoon. They were waiting for her 5-year-old son to be dropped off by his school bus when bullets started to fly. “It appears to be two groups of young men who were in a dispute and started shooting carelessly, randomly,” Kelly said. “She was clearly an innocent bystander. It had nothing to do with her.” Elbahi, the wife of a Sudan Consulate employee, was hit between the neck and shoulder. She is expected to make a full recovery, Kelly said. “Clearly, she’s a very lucky person,” Kelly said. An employee at the Sudan Consulate said Wednesday afternoon that she could not immediately comment.