Three men allegedly raped a Vietnamese woman in their car in an isolated area and then demand Dh5,000 from her,  the Dubai Criminal Court heard. MAN, 19, Pakistani student, and other two jobless Emiratis identified as OKO, 19, and ASA, 21, are also accused of assaulting TTT, 24, visitor, and robbing her of her mobile phone, Dh1,700 and her passport. TTT, the victim, testified that on October 20, she was in Dubai Mall with her friend at the food court. MAN approached her and gave her his mobile number. Later he called her and asked her to join him in Moscow Hotel for drinks with his friends. Then he asked her to go with him to his house so she went with him his car. He drove to a poorly-lit area where two men, who claimed to be CID people, stopped them and asked them what are they doing late at night. They took her bag and asked her to sit in the back seat. As she sat in the back seat they started beating her up and undressed her. The three raped men her one after another while she was resisting them.  Then they asked her to pay them Dh5,000. When they dropped her home and waited for her to bring the money, she could run away. “MAN and OKO confessed to having sex with the woman. They admitted to driving her to Al Manama area where they had sex in the car. They claimed that when ASA arrived, she refused to have sex with him, since that was not part of the agreement. They confessed to beating her force her to submit to ASA. However, ASA denied having sex with the woman,” First Corporal Issa Abdulrahman testified. Forensic reported bruises on the victim’s body proving her resistance. DNA tests proved that ASA had sex with the victim. The accused handed over the stolen goods to the police. The court adjourned the case until April 5.