A British woman escaped from her rapist by tricking her way out. She agreed to have sex with her attacker but finding an opportune moment ran from him and reported the incident to the police. The Dubai Criminal Court heard NJT\'s case who testified that while she was walking behind the Dubai Police Academy one evening an unidentified man caught her from behind and with all his force dragged her to a sandy area off the street. “He pushed me to the ground and sat on me and started stripping me of my clothes. I pretended to accept having sex with him. I grabbed an opportunity and ran away leaving behind my trouser, shoes and bag in the scene of crime,” she testified. The victim, 32, a fitness trainer, reported the crime to the police who immediately started search of the man and further investigation. Forensic report spotted scratches and bruises on the victim’s body suggesting use of force. Incidently a 61-year-old Indian driver, DFD, on a Friday morning found a sac near a car in front of a supermarket on Al Manara road. He found bank and ID cards in the sac. \"I searched for the owner in the area until I reached a saloon. The worker there called up card holder. She came there along with the police,” DFD testified. After two weeks, Police identified the attacker who had a criminal record for a similar crime in Abu Dhabi. His finger prints were identified on the cards. The victim could recognize the accused in an identification parade. The accused confessed to the crime and guided the police to the scene where the incident took place. Police also confiscated the victim’s bag and mobile phone from his accommodation. The Prosecution filed a case against MNM of rape attempt and theft accusations.