Betsy DeVos

Arriving at a school in southwest Washington Friday morning, Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, was scheduled to meet with students, teachers and administration.  She was met, instead, with protestors who barred her entry, reported CNN.

Making her way back to her SUV to leave the scene, DeVos was followed by one angry protestor in particular who shouted “Go back! Shame! Shame!” before she reached the safety of her vehicle and was able to depart. She returned sometime later and completed her scheduled meetings.

When asked about her feelings on the encounter the Education Secretary said “I respect peaceful protest and I will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the Department of Education. No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation’s schoolchildren.”

One of US President Donald Trump’s most heatedly debated nominees, Betsy DeVos came to the position of Education Secretary with no experience in the public-school system. Ironically, she bankrolled a school voucher system that could end up taking funds away from the very schools she is now sworn to uphold and improve.

DeVos’ nomination was stalled at a 50-50 tie in the Senate until fellow Republican and Vice President, Mike Pence, cast the deciding vote in her favour.

Source :Morocco World News