White House Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Habib Powell.

White House Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Habib Powell, who helped guide Trump administration's policy on the Middle East, is reportedly exiting her post.
Powell, an Egyptian-American, is the most senior Arab-American in the Trump administration. She will leave the White House early next year, but is likely to continue to advise the administration from outside, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.
Media reports speculate that Powell's exit will be part of a cascade of departures of senior officials following President Donald Trump's first year in office. This includes possibly Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly has strained relations with Trump and is widely expected to leave his post in the near future, KUNA added.
The White House has been considering a place to replace him with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director and staunch Trump loyalist Mike Pompeo.
News of Powell's impending departure comes at a tumultuous time for US foreign policy in the Middle East.
Earlier in the week, Trump unilaterally declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered the State Department to move the US embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, sparking violent protests and outcries from international allies.
National security adviser HR McMaster called Powell "one of the most talented and effective leaders with whom I have ever served."
“Dina has been an invaluable member of President Trump’s team,” the national security adviser, he said in a statement. “She organised and drove an effort to restore our nation’s strategic competence.”
Previously, Powell served under the George W. Bush administration and with New York finance firm Goldman Sachs.

Source: BNA