A Canadian woman in Windsor, Ontario, has ushered in her coming 101st birthday by having her ears pierced, saying she gave in to peer pressure. A week ago, a staff member at the senior center where Viola Arnold lives suggested she celebrate her upcoming birthday Sunday by having her ears pierced for the first time, the Windsor Star reported. Arnold said she consulted with her son, who approved, and then fellow residents began pressuring her to go ahead, telling her, \"Oh, everybody has their ears pierced,\" she said. There were other suggestions as well. \"Somebody said to get a tattoo and I said no way,\" she told the newspaper. She made an appointment at a cosmetic salon Wednesday and wheeled herself in for the piercing. Staff at the Caryl Baker Visage Cosmetics Salon performed the procedure, inserted 14-karat, diamond-look earrings, handed Arnold a bouquet of flowers and then told her there was no charge, the report said. Her first comment after the piercings was \"Ow,\" the newspaper said. An employee at the senior\'s home said Arnold was the talk of the dining room. \"I\'ll tell you tomorrow morning at the breakfast table everyone will be watching her and commenting,\" the employee said. \"She\'ll be talking about this for a long time.\"