A 25-year-old Nepali woman cried and begged a judge in a RAK court to let her see her eight-month-old baby after being remanded in custody earlier this year over burning her husband\'s face with hot oil, a judiciary official said. In a session held on Wednesday, the woman, who spoke little Arabic, begged the judge to bring her baby into the courtroom so she could see him. She has been in custody for nine months and has not seen him since. The woman\'s 38-year-old husband filed a complaint against her with RAK police after a family dispute, the official said. The official said the woman was cooking in the kitchen when her husband, who was in a bad mood arrived. He began shouting at his wife who was holding a pan full of hot oil. The couple got into an argument, he said. The husband, in a fit of rage ran toward his wife and tried to strangle her. To defend herself, the wife threw the pan of hot cooking oil at her husband. Her husband\'s face was badly injured which led him to file a case against his wife, the official said. The court will issue its sentence next week, he added.