Claims to have links with top politicians. Tara Chowdary, a Telugu film artist, arrested by the Hyderabad Police on charges of running a flesh trade racket, has caused a stir with her revelations before the police and her allegations in court. Tara, who was arrested by the Banjara Hills police after a girl called Lakshmi complained that she had forced her into flesh trade by promising a job, has been sent back to Chanchalguda women\'s jail after four days in police custody. According to the sources during the questioning, she made several startling revelations including her alleged links with top politicians as well as powerful people from a cross section of society including people from the the film industry. The police has also seized a lot of incriminating evidence including audio records of conversations over phone with important people on her laptop. Some of the recordings have also reached Telugu television channels. One conversation of Tara with unknown person has created a flutter in the ruling Congress party. In this audio recording Tara is heard telling another person over phone that Congress member of parliament (MP) from Guntur R Sambasiva Rao was willing to pay her Rs5 million (Dh350,000) to Rs10 million to defame a state minister Kanna Lakshmi Narayana who was the MP\'s rival in district politics. Call girls Tara also alleged in the conversation that the MP had hired her services for massage and also forced her to send call girls to his guest house. But R Sambasiva Rao denied the allegations and said he never paid any body to defame the minister Lakshminarayana or any one else. Kanna Lakshminarayana on the other hand has also said he was not aware of this. \"I don\'t know who Tara Chowdary is,\" he said when asked to comment on the report. Conspiracy According to the sources Tara told the police that many powerful people used and abandoned her. \"I have become a victim of a conspiracy\", she reportedly told the police. She revealed her links with two film heroes, two MPs, one MLA and even some police officials, sources said. But publicly she continued to claim her innocence. \"I have done nothing wrong\", she told the reporters when the police brought her to the criminal court. \"I don\'t have any faith in the police investigation. I demand that this probe should be handed over to the CBI\", she said adding that she was facing threat to her life. Tara said that she will expose all the people who were responsible for her situation. She also alleged in the court that Banjara Hills Assistant commissioner of police had forced her for sexual favours. From: Gulfnews