A Virginia judge sentenced a woman to 90 days in jail for beheading a piglet in reaction to the way its owner broke up with a friend of hers. Circuit Court Judge Marjorie T. Arrington Tuesday gave Ashley Fowler, 22, of Portsmouth, credit for 28 days served and allowed the woman to serve the remaining sentence on weekends, The (Norfolk) Virginian-Pilot reported. Janie Sawyer, who called police Feb. 9, 2011, when she found the piglet\'s head on her front porch, said she thought the sentence was too lenient. \"I think she should have gotten more in-time,\" Sawyer said. \"Maybe she would have found Christ in jail.\" The animal -- along with another piglet that Fowler stabbed so badly it had to be euthanized -- belonged to Sawyer\'s son, Zach. Prosecutors said Fowler killed the animals and slashed Zach Sawyer\'s tires because of the way he broke up with a friend of hers. Fowler pleaded guilty to breaking and entering a church where she and a man, whose name was not reported, stole three hand-carved wooden crosses and three fire extinguishers.