A woman who admitted beating her 92-year-old grandmother to death after stealing from her was sentenced Monday to at least 22 years in an English prison.Sheila Jones, 36, was given the mandatory life sentence for murder, Sky News reported. At the hearing in Crown Court in Wolverhampton, Judge Phillip Parker said Jones must remain behind bars for at least 22 years and eight months.Daisy Myring was battered with a stool in the bedroom of her home in Brownhills in Staffordshire. Jones, who had been caring for her grandmother, admitted she took 7,000 pounds (almost $11,000) from her grandmother\'s bank account and then killed Myring after the victim said she planned to go to the bank to find out what was happening to her money.\"Your crime was cold-blooded and premeditated. It was a brutal attack on a defenseless, vulnerable lady,\" the judge said. \"Your crime was a gross abuse of a position of trust. You killed the person you had been entrusted to care for.\"