An Arab woman lost Dh700,000 after being allegedly conned by her lover, according to Abu Dhabi Police The 27-year-old woman identified as M.H. started a relationship with a 34 year old Arab man over the phone. The man allegedly promised to marry her. The victim told the police that the man, who was working as a personnel manager at a private company, allegedly told her that he\'s facing a financial problem and he needs her help. The suspect was able to convince the woman to take out loans from two banks. After securing the loan, she gave the money to the suspect. M.H. sought help from the police after the man allegedly ended their relationship. The police arrested the man, said Brigadier  Hammad Ahmad Al Hammadi, Director of Criminal Investigation Department in Abu Dhabi Police. During interrogation, the suspect denied having a love affair with the woman. He also denied allegations that he took money from her. He claimed however, that he met M.H. when she allegedly approached him for a job for her relative and they became friends. Warning Al Hammadi said the police had referred the matter to the courts. He also advised people to be careful in befriending strangers especially those they meet over the phone or any other electronic communication channels. The official also warned people not to succumb to emotional blackmail.