Here are the different types of \'girly\' behavior that annoys guys on your social networking list. Secret campaigns \"We guys are very much aware of what those secret campaigns are all about. The most common ones being the color details of your underwear. I really don\'t think this is something appropriate to share with all those people in your list. How can women think we will not get to know. These things are bound to leak out sooner than later\", says Brendon D\'cruz, a freelance artist. Girlie bonding \"All those \'we-really-need-to-catch-up\' messages and the exchanging of hearts can get irritating sometimes. How come there is so much love pouring out suddenly? I am sure they can all behave normally rather than emulate air-kissing bimbos!\" states Heikam Pinku, a self-confessed social networking addict. Decode mania \"There are so many women on my list who post ambiguous status messages that only their best buddies can decipher. And to top it all, that friend will post back an \'I-know-exactly-what-you-mean\' kind of comment. I mean if they really want to discuss personal issues, why go and broadcast it in public. What are phones for? If it\'s a secret, you might as well keep it. There is no need to attract undue attention unless you are really looking for some,\" says Anurag Shukla, a commercial pilot. Picture (too) perfect So there was a party last night, and girl, you looked drop dead gorgeous. \"What amuses me the most is why do girls get their pictures clicked in a variety of poses, angles and outfits? And then of course, when they go out on a vacation or something like that. Why be narcissistic?\" asks Romen Singh, a pianist. Attention seeking syndrome \"What is the most common way to get more posts on your otherwise dull wall? Simple, just write single word posts and voila, there will be around 50 comments and some 20 likes. There is nothing more stupid than a girl posting a sad smiley or a \'yay\', and her friends jumping up and saying \'what happened\' or \'awww\'. Don\'t girls ever realize that there must be a reason why guys never do this? We do not want to go about splashing our every minute moods,\" cites Sameer Joshi, a final year BA student.