All pet owners know that every once in a while, dogs are bound to come down with some sort of sickness or injury that will need medical care. A trip to the vet can be costly and unnecessary, especially when there are many natural remedies dog owners can administer from their own homes. Royal Flush Havanese shares with readers some common canine problems, and household solutions* for them that will save readers both time and money. Apple Cider Vinegar Although not applicable to one single ailment, apple cider vinegar can provide relief for many different common problems, ranging from parasite infestation to hot spots. Other occurrences where apple cider vinegar is helpful include excessive itching, loss of hair, odor, picky eating, pimples, ear infections, allergies, and arthritis. Apple cider vinegar can be applied topically or orally. For a 50 pound dog, one teaspoon given orally twice a day should be used at first, gradually working up to one tablespoon twice a day. Given orally, apple cider vinegar can help maintain an appropriate pH balance within the canine’s body. For treatment of parasites, including fleas and ticks, mix one-part apple cider vinegar to one-part water, spray on the canine and allow to dry. Honey and Cinnamon Honey combined with cinnamon is a tasty treat for dogs, and one that can also be a great aid in helping to cure kennel cough. The combination can help to relieve the nasal discharge that accompanies kennel cough, and can also be used to help relieve the symptoms of heart disease, arthritis, indigestion, and low immunity in canines. In order to reap the complete benefits, it is important to use raw honey, which is usually marketed in the form of locally produced, organic honey. Pour one teaspoon of ground cinnamon into half a cup of boiling water. Stir together and allow the water to absorb the cinnamon. After, add a tablespoon of honey, and allow the honey to dissolve. This mixture (serving size of 1 to 2 tablespoons) can be blended into dog food, or fed through a syringe, and served at room temperature, warmed, or cooled. Surgical Scrub Perhaps one of the most common ailments in dogs is a superficial wound or scrape. Treating small injuries at home is certainly an option; however, if there is a significant loss of blood, torn ligament, foreign matter or dying tissue, any laceration larger than half an inch, or a puncture wound, professional veterinary care is certainly the best way to go. First, make sure the injured dog is properly restrained– treating open wounds can be painful for the canine, and s/he may react in unexpected ways. Next, wash around the affected area with a diluted version of surgical scrub solution (two common brands are Betadine and Nolvasan; Chlorheridine is also commonly used), taking extra care to not pour any of the solution onto the actual wound. Clip any long hairs touching the wound area, starting from the edges of the wound and working outward. After this is done, flush the wound by running tap water over it. The higher the pressure of the stream, the more effective it is, but take care not to cause further bleeding or trauma by using too much force. After this is completed, let the area dry. Royal Flush Havanese recommends applying only minimal amounts or antibiotic ointment, as dogs can easily ingest it by licking it off. Continue to clean the injury two to three times a day until it is completely healed. Canned Pumpkin Canned pumpkin (not pumpkin filling!) can be used to help with diarrhea and constipation, and can also help prevent canines from eating their own excrement. Canned pumpkin is high in fiber, which helps the digestion process, while also helping to absorb any excess water within in the dog’s stool. Smaller dogs should be given one and a half to two teaspoons, which can be mixed into their food. Canned pumpkin is also prescribed by veterinarians to cure obesity in canines, as the fiber helps to create a feeling of fullness with a lower caloric intake. Although dogs tend to enjoy the taste of the canned pumpkin, they will leave any excrement containing the substance alone. Decaffeinated Tea Bags Tea can also be used to help aid in the healing of several canine ailments. To help relieve the intensity of hot spots, steep one tea bag in one cup of warm water. Next, crush and dissolve two adult aspirin tablets into one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and mix into the tea. After this cools, blot the mixture over the hot spot and reapply as often as necessary. Another alternative to this is to simply soak the tea bag, and once it cools, apply it directly to the hot spot for a minimum of five minutes. Tea bags can also be used to cure runny eyes and eye infections. For this purpose, chamomile tea works best. Simply steep the tea bag, allow it to cool, and apply it to the dog’s eye for several minutes. Allow the tea to flow onto the dog’s eye for best results. It must be noted that it is very important to not allow a dog to drink the tea, as caffeine is toxic to canines if ingested, even in relatively small doses. Epsom Salt Epsom salts baths are a good way to help relieve any swelling and soreness dogs may experience, and can also help reduce itching from big bites. Common causes of soreness include nails that are cut too short, split nails, or bruised foot pads. First, make sure the lameness is not caused form a foreign object. Epsom salt soaks can help to remove splinters, but if the cause of the soreness is a large object, it is best to see a vet. Add one-half to one cups of Epsom salt per gallon of warm water. Either soak the injured area or spray the solution directly on for best results. It is recommended to allow the affected area soak for a minimum of ten minutes. Additionally, Epsom salt mixes can be used to relieve itchy skin, and direct compresses can be applied to relieve constipation. Like tea, do not allow dogs to drink the Epsom salt, as it can cause diarrhea. Colloidal Silver Colloidal silver can be used to help speed up healing processes and also to kill viruses, fungi, and bacterium– it is a wonderful antibiotic agent that can be used for just about any canine ailment! Additionally, it is nontoxic to both dogs and cats, does not have any known interactions with other drugs, and does not sting when used. It can be applied topically to wounds, massaged onto canine acne spots, hot spots, rashes, insect bites, infected teeth and gums, and any inflammation. Given orally (dogs between 11-25 pounds should be given 1/8 of a teaspoon two to three times a day for 10 days) along with increased fluids can eliminate unwanted toxins from a canine’s body, and can also be used to help treat allergies, arthritis, bladder inflammation, diarrhea, thyroid disorders, and ulcers. Lastly, 2-3 drops of colloidal silver applied directly into a canine’s eye 2-3 times per day can be used to treat pink-eye and minor eye irritations. Colloidal silver can be purchased at health stores and pharmacies. Using these suggested homemade treatments can be a cost-effective and welcome solution to common canine problems. However, whenever in doubt about an illness or injury, Royal Flush Havanese advises asking a professional veterinarian before performing any kind of treatment. Check out the Royal Flush Havanese website to read more useful tips about the health and well being of dogs. Awarded a Certificate of No Complaints and rated A+ for their outstanding dedication to honesty in the business place, customer satisfaction, and ethical policies and procedures by the Better Business Bureau, Royal Flush Havanese is dedicated to producing the finest Havanese puppies for sale and providing outstanding service in their care. The only dog-breeder in the Ocean State to be accredited by the BBB, Royal Flush Havanese has also received sterling reviews from their numerous delighted clients. "Like" the Royal Flush Havanese facebook page today to show your support. Source: PRWEB