This week Arianna announced The Huffington Post\'s GPS for the Soul app, inspired, she wrote, from an awareness of two truths: that \"we all have within us a centered place of wisdom, harmony, and balance\" and that \"we\'re all going to veer away from that place, again and again and again.\" Technology has given us incredibly powerful tools for the veering part; the new app, coming this summer, will harness technology as a way to return to that \"centered place.\" When you tap your phone\'s sensor, you\'ll get an assessment of your current stress level, then be connected to whatever it is that rebalances you -- music, photos, breathing exercises, or perhaps a combination of these. Ever since we started talking about the concept of the GPS for the Soul around our corner of the office, we\'ve been thinking about how we could enable readers to share what that \"centered place\" looks like for them. Then one day, as we were discussing Pinterest and all of the hoopla about women dominating the insanely successful site, it hit us. Representing yourself through a vision board or inspiration board is hardly a new idea, but with Pinterest these \"maps\" of who you are and what you want for yourself are easier than ever to create. You can change your board as often as you change, and you can include almost anything you\'ve seen or read on the great wide Internet that resonates. This is our invitation to create a \"map\" of yourself -- a board where you collect what you believe in, what inspires you, and items that reflect who you are when you are in your \"centered place.\" Whenever you feel yourself meandering away from that, you can switch over from your \"dream apartment,\" \"random stuff,\" and \"if I cooked\" boards to your map and get back on track. Once you\'ve created it, leave a link to your board in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest and leave a link to your board there. Once a week we\'ll feature a group of your boards in a slideshow on the site, linking to your Pinterest. On our own Pinterest, we\'ll keep our \"Map of a Woman\" board updated with pins that reflect what we consider our true course. If they resonate with you, repin them on your own board.