There are many ways to improve skin quality, but one of the simplest that exists is dry Skin Brushing. Why? Because in addition to releasing dead cells and toxins from the skin of our body, it boosts blood circulation, the lymphatic system and much more. It offers us better well-being. Sublime Beauty® has a website devoted to Skin Brushing, which helps those who are new to the practice and goes into more details for those who are already aware. Sublime Beauty and Skin Brushing were also recently highlighted on NCN (NetCast News). \"Skin Brushing has been practiced through the centuries, actually,\" says Kathy Heshelow, founder of Sublime Beauty®, \"but fell out of common knowledge in the last hundred years. It is great for well-being, and we have been happy to introduce it to thousands this year.\" We throw off millions of cells each day, but it becomes more difficult to do so as we age. Skin, our largest organ of elimination, can become backed up and cause stress on the body, and skin quality goes down if these cells and toxins aren\'t removed. Basic Tips for Skin Brushing: 1) Brush on absolutely dry skin, and always brush towards the heart. 2) Typically start at the feet and work your way up, brushing everything except the face. 3) Use medium strokes, not too soft but not so hard as to hurt. 4) Concentrate on lymph-node rich areas and areas of rough skin. 5) Use a natural bristled brush, never synthetic. 6) Don\'t share brushes with others. Sublime Beauty® offers its original long-handled natural brush, to enable users to reach everywhere with ease. The company recently introduced a portable travel Skin Brush with pouch(no handle) to easily tuck into any bag or luggage. A new signature brush will be coming out in November. \"We have said this often - we hope that people come to see Skin Brushing to be as vital as teeth brushing,\" says Heshelow. From: Prweb