Algerian woman Hakeema Abdel Samad

Algerian women decided to challenge the traditions rooted in their community, as they turned to compete the men in careers that remained exclusive for men for decades. They managed to make exceptions in the Algerian community despite the attempts that aimed to challenge them.
Hakeema Abdel Samad was the first Algerian woman who joined the military aviation career although she was thinking to join the Faculty of Medicine in the beginning of her life. The Algerian citizen managed to achieve notable success in this career after increasing rounds of training on both military and technical levels.
Another Algerian woman called Marzaqan Samir decided to take a different career, as she worked as a metro driver. She applied for this job immediately after the announcement to hire drivers for the Algerian metros. She was the only woman who took the job. She also managed to achieve notable success in her career despite the social challenges she faced.
However, Shamisa, Algerian young woman, tuned to work as a taxi driver three years ago despite the administrative challenges that she faced in the beginning. Shamisa expressed her pride of her career, saying, on her page on Facebook, that she is one of fifteen Algerian women working in this career, while the number of male taxi drivers hit 50 thousand in all over the country.