Anissa Daoud, the Tunisian actress who played in the hugely succesful play 'Hobb Story' has embarked on a semi political campaign. She has launched an online petition aimed at preserving cultural rights in Tunisia. Since the overthrow of President Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali, a year ago, the small North African state, once renowned for its religious tolerance has witnessed acts of censorship not previously seen in the country. While in the past the political arena was stifled and no opposition voices were allowed to emerge, today anything deemed remotely offensive to religion is not tolerated and self appointed censors have taken it upon themselves to oppose any cultural movements that does not fit into their religious agenda. As a result, Hobb Story, has not had its license renewed since the new regime came into force, because of the play's strong sexual contents.  The problem Daoud explains is that its a creeping movement that starts with small censorship before it escalates into something bigger and more sinister. As things stand, the vanguards of Tunisia's revolution are keeping up the pressure to ensure the rights achieved thanks to the uprising are withheld but with a play threatened of censorship the fight is not over yet.