As married life moves forward and kids and bills start to take center stage, many couples struggle to maintain their initial state of contentment beyond the first year. But, just because the wedding is long over doesn\'t mean the newlywed bliss has to go, too. Here are the top 10 ways to spice up your marriage by regaining some of that honeymoon happiness With the demands of everyday life keeping socializing to a minimum, married couples often use their limited free time for a \"girls\' night out\" or a \"guys\' night in\" playing poker. It\'s important to maintain relationships with friends, but don\'t overlook the best friend you married. Newlyweds know the importance of cultivating a friendship with their spouses and seek them out for their love, support, and laughter. Allow Yourself to be in the Mood How many times as a newlywed did you say, \"Not now, honey?\" Probably not too many. Back then, the thought of being intimate with your sweetie was enough to snap you out of any funk. Just because you are a little sleepy or cranky doesn\'t mean that your night can\'t become a lot more pleasurable. Newlyweds know that a night of passion can do wonders for your well-being and relationship. Besides, a little lovemaking can actually help you sleep more soundly, while also taking your mind off of daily stresses. Change Topics Newlyweds usually don\'t spend endless hours carrying on about work, carpooling, or annoying PTA parents. Don\'t be a broken record of complaints. Instead, travel back in time to the days when you guys had something other than grievances to talk about. Maybe you heard a funny joke from a colleague today, or you want to talk about an upcoming birthday party. Whatever it is, don\'t let it always be negative. Your positivity will be a welcome change for your equally stressed spouse. Get Dressed Whether staying in or going out, a newly married woman is still giving it all she\'s got. Try  leaving the sweats and running shoes for the gym and put a little more effort into your appearance. The payoff will be huge as you will feel sexier and more confident, and he will appreciate the pretty woman he calls his wife. Plan Something Exciting Together Being a newlywed is all about planning your life together with joy and excitement. You and your husband can channel that same enthusiasm by planning a weekend getaway or vacation together that you would both equally enjoy. The build-up to the trip will serve as a great reminder that you guys still have so much to look forward to. Ditch the Distractions Put down your iPhone, get off of Facebook and start giving each other your undivided attention again. First step: Make sure that you are always looking him in the eyes when you are speaking to him. This seemingly simple gesture promotes intimacy and trust. Newlyweds know the value in making one another feel special and attended to. Don\'t rush to end the conversation so you can do something else. Showing that you are genuinely interested in talking and listening will draw you both closer. Who knows? Maybe all that eye contact will lead to something spicy and involving a lot less talk! Be Spontaneous Don’t always look for a reason to do something. Sometimes it’s fun to go out for dinner just because you feel like it. Not micromanaging every aspect of your lives together allows for more flexibility and opportunities for fun. Who says sex has to be reserved for the bedroom, or that seeing a movie is only for a Friday night? Learn to go with the moment. It could take you to some very, very good places! Show Some Appreciation When you first got hitched, showering your husband with appreciation and love was probably a given. But after a while, the novelty of him mowing the lawn wore off and his actions sometimes went unnoticed. Well, it\'s time to get back to basics and start incorporating \"please\" and \"thank you\" into your daily dialogue. Showing your support and approval is key for a healthy marriage. It\'s important that you go out of your way to remind him that you appreciate all that he does — even if it’s something simple like walking the dog so you don\'t have to. Sleep in on a Saturday You don\'t always have to go from a hectic week to a hectic weekend! Instead, reschedule some of your Saturday morning errands so you and your husband can actually sleep in together. Allow yourselves the opportunity to be lazy and relaxed. Even if it\'s only for an extra hour, indulging in an early-morning snuggle is very reminiscent of newlywed days when you actually looked forward to spending the weekend with one another as opposed to running around from store to store. Invite the In-Laws Over Still on the high from the nuptials, a lot of newlyweds are yet to become wary of their in-laws. Hosting your husband\'s family with open arms will make everyone feel like welcome, valued members of the family. Your generosity will ultimately inspire him to do the same in return, but will also make holidays less tense, alleviating a lot of the unnecessary stress and fighting.