Even if it\'s packed with fun events, a busy Summer schedule can feel overwhelming. Weddings, vacations, weekend barbecues — extra activities mean extra stress, so it\'s important to step back and do what you can to stay sane. Already feeling a bit anxious? Check out these 11 ways to avoid the pressure and amp up your positivity.     Control outer chaos. One of the simplest ways to feel better is to tidy up your space. A neat closet, organized drawers, and a clean desk can do wonders for your mood. Pressed for time? A quick 20-minute cleanup at the end of each day can be enough to maintain an orderly, uncluttered environment.     Get moving. Increase the endorphins and loosen up by sticking to a regular exercise schedule. Stay sane by taking a short walk during your lunch breaks or join a fitness class with friends to boost the relationship benefits, too.     Eat well. If you\'re eating badly, chances are you\'ll feel bad — both physically and emotionally. Do your body and your mind a favor by eating regular, balanced meals that leave you energized.     Catch plenty of Zs. Running on empty is a surefire way to feel stressed, so do whatever you can to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep each night. Wind down early, follow a consistent sleeping schedule, and try to force yourself to wake up at the same time each day.     Minimize screen time. The TV is on, your phone is beeping, there are seven windows open on your laptop — staying connected can be overwhelming. See if you can limit the hours you log online each day, then turn off push notifications on your smartphone to gain a bit of peace and quiet. Another idea: pencil in screen time as if it\'s an appointment, then commit to tuning out as soon as the time\'s up.     Stick to your budget. Money worries can stir up strong feelings of guilt and anxiety, so keep your finances in check to avoid unnecessary tension. A good starting point? Learn tips to make groceries last longer and how to eat out cheaply.     Make time for friends. It\'s important to stay on top of things at work and at home, but it\'s just as important to spend time with the people you care about. To keep from getting caught up with your to-dos, schedule a weekly coffee date with pals to help yourself unwind.     Be a planner. Feeling rushed can kick-start a bad day, so try to think ahead to avoid hectic mornings. Write lists, pack bags the night before, and stay generally organized to be on top of things and dodge the last-minute chaos.     Focus on balance. The key to staying sane is balance, so steer clear of ultimatums and extremes. That all-or-nothing attitude can quickly backfire, so don\'t let yourself get too wound up with work or play. Instead, do what you can to shift your mind-set and make moderation your go-to plan.     Take breaks. With a go-go-go lifestyle, you\'re sure to burn out. Use your vacation days, and don\'t forget to get away every once in a while. Even if it\'s just one night at a hotel in your city, that feeling of escape will help you relax and recharge.     Acknowledge the good. Every so often, remember to step back and take some time to feel grateful for all the positive things you experience. Whether it\'s great feedback from your manager or simply a stretch of sunny days, make an effort to soak up the good whenever you can. Do you have any go-to tips to boost your mood? Share them in the comments below!