He looks down, she glances up, both of them gaze in just about every direction during sex. But eye to eye? Too often, it doesn’t happen. But according to Dr. Kat (http://www.drkat.com), couples should take time to make it a priority. “I am not advocating that everyone all the time has to maintain a deep ‘soul-gaze’ sort of lock on their partner, but I do suggest that you examine your comfort level with this issue and try to make some eye contact with your partner on a regular basis,” says Dr. Kat. Why? 1.    It helps partners connect energetically. Feeling joined by more than just touch or sex toys helps couples deepen their relationship and increases emotional intimacy. 2.    Eye contact is a great form of non-verbal communication during sex. You can use it as a check-in with your partner to communicate what’s working and what isn’t. 3.    Vulnerability is a helpful thing. People experiencing discomfort looking their partner in the eye can view it as an indicator they might feel too exposed or vulnerable. Many avoid vulnerability, but revealing ourselves (inside and outside) to a partner is what deepens relationships. “There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and when you get over the fear of looking your partner in the eye during sex, there’s only better sex to be had,” says Dr. Kat. Source: PRWEB