Because it can’t always be about you. A surprise bunch of flowers delivered to your desk, a slab of your favourite chocolate, a romantic, candlelit bath...When it comes to our happiness and making us feel good about ourselves and in our relationships, women are easy to impress. Men? If you ask me, they’re pretty much the same... Here are some ideas to make him feel special, too: Stroke his ego A friend of mine who recently tied the knot is perfectly capable of changing a flat tyre on her own if need be. Will she, however? “No,” and she has no qualms saying this, “it’s his job and it makes him feel needed.” Men simply love that. Pay him a compliment And not only when he does something, like cook a yummy dinner, that benefits you. •    If you like the way he looks in a new shirt, tell him about it. •    If you like the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles, share that with him. Boast about him Quit nagging about the things he doesn’t do. The next time you’re in friends’ or family members’ company, tell them (and be sure he’s within earshot) about, say, the great date he treated you to or how good he is at ____ or how proud you of him because of ___ Not only will your recognition make him feel respected and appreciated, but who knows... it may even spur him on to do more of these things.