No amount of lotion will stop you from ageing if your lifestyle isn’t in check. Find out which everyday things are contributing to your lines and wrinkles. 1. You ‘re not eating right Binge much? Not only can overindulging add centimetres to your waist, but if you carry on with this habit, you may also develop the early symptoms of heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Want to make healthier food choices? Visit our diet section for useful tips and simple strategies. 2. You’re smoking cigarettes Be it social or a full-blown dependency, cigarette smoke is destroying your health and ageing your skin. According to various studies and reports, even the mere exposure to tobacco fumes significantly increases the degeneration of skin cells, causing dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. How so? “Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C,” warns this Health24 article, “an important antioxidant, which protects against diseases such as cancer and heart disease.” Ready to quit? Heed this advice. 3. You’re stressed out Our bodies are sensitive, even to emotions. Stress, an instantaneous ager, affects everything from our blood pressure and heart beat to our productivity and our ability to make rational decisions.  Protect your youth – and your sanity – by learning to identify your personal stress triggers. Need help? Read this article. You can thank us later. 4. You’re not having enough sex Engaging in an active sex life not only burns kilojoules and relieves stress, but according to this report, regular sex also boosts immunity, improves cardiovascular health, enhances self-esteem, heightens intimacy and reduces pain. Have trouble getting in the mood? Browse through our sex content – you’re bound to come across something of use. 5. You’re not exercising Or you only do it when you’re trying to lose weight. Shamefaced? You should be! Keeping fit is one of the easiest ways to hold on to your youth, yet so few of us are reaping its anti-ageing benefits. “Regular exercise can help prevent diseases associated with ageing – such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and osteoporosis,” reports this piece.