These are CLEAR indications that your man is only after one thing. You’ve been seeing him for a while now and although you really like him, you’re uncertain whether or not he feels the same about you. To top it all, you’ve had your heart broken. You’ve been lied to. You’ve been cheated on. You’ve basically been through it all. History, you’ve declared, is NOT about to repeat itself. So, how do you protect yourself? You simply look for these: You don’t talk Communication is basically limited to late-night booty calls. There’s no attempt at finding out more about you as a person... your likes and dislikes (unless it’s sex-related) are of no interest to him. You don’t hang out Most of your encounters are bedroom-based. No pop-ins, dates... not even a phone call, saying “hello, how are you doing?” Once the sex is over, so is his time with you. You don’t know his future plans Like, are you even a part it? If you think about it, you actually know very little about him and his (other) life outside of the bedroom. You don’t feel happy Although you won’t admit it, your gut instinct is telling you that he’s just ‘in it, to win it’. While relationships aren’t flawless, being in one shouldn’t leave you feeling empty inside. You don’t mingle with his friends And vice versa. Sure, you’ve heard about his clan, but it’s been months and you still haven’t met any of them.