It\'s always nice to spoil your lady love with lavish gifts on Valentine\'s Day, but make sure that your surprise for her doesn\'t ruin the romantic day. One such gift which is a no-no is lingerie. Unless your wife is an actual Victoria\'s Secret model, in which case you\'ll be doing your Valentine\'s Day shopping at Harry Winston, you don\'t want to navigate this minefield. According to Huffington Post, bringing home a size too big will insult her; give her undies she can\'t squeeze into and you\'ll depress her. Neither of those avenues leads to your pants. Second is an heart mug. Nothing says \"I forgot it was Valentine\'s Day so I stopped at the gas station on the way home\" like a coffee mug with a big heart on it. Such an object is ripe for throwing. Thirdly, a coupon for your body. Whoever invented these cheap-ass romance coupon books probably did get laid using one, but that was the only time it ever worked. Never give her household appliances or a gym membership. Also a big box of crap movie theater candy does not make a girl feel special - it just gives her calorie anxiety. If you know she loves chocolate, step up your game and go gourmet, like truffles, preferably tequila infused, bacon stuffed or diamond encrusted. A sexy scent is also a great idea if you know exactly what your lady likes. This isn\'t your wedding registry, this is Valentine\'s Day - a holiday that is not about practical gifts, so don\'t gift things your wife actually needs. A stuffed animal is not going to cut it, especially for moms. Don\'t give her gift certificate, even though it\'s tempting. Sad, wilted flowers that within a day are going to shed all over the table and make the water smell like hot hamster cage are almost worse than no gift at all. Skip the pre-made bouquets that have been sitting around the store and choose blossoms that look like they\'ve got staying power, just like your love. You know what\'s a nice gift for the woman who makes your whole life run smoothly - a vacation from planning. Show her you care by making some reservations and booking a babysitter. Last and not the least get her some jewellery. From : ANI