With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it comes as a bit of a surprise that a new survey has revealed that men are more interested in the day of love than women. The survey, conducted by Consumer Intelligence and made from a poll of 2,000 men and women, shows that 50 percent of women are more likely to shun the romantic day altogether. Figures also show that women are also more likely to mark the day with nothing more than a card, foregoing any extravagant show of affection. The poll found that around 21 percent of women said they would do nothing to celebrate, compared with just 14 percent of men. Surprisingly, the research also revealed that it was men who are considerably more likely to make an effort – and spend money – on their partners than women. Researchers said they were more likely to buy flowers, provide chocolates, arrange a candlelit dinner at a restaurant, book a weekend away, buy theatre tickets and splash out on champagne or jewellery. However, despite the findings in favour of men, it was found that men were also more likely to brand the day “a commercialised waste of time”.