Even today there are many young and educated women who are unaware about the advantages and convenience of a pregnancy test. If you miss your period, before visiting your doctor, it is convenient to take a pregnancy test at home. The home pregnancy test detects a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), which is only found in the urine of a pregnant woman. This can be detected only after 20 days of her last menstrual period. How is a home pregnancy test performed? Even though it is not a compulsion, it is always advised that the pregnancy test must be taken in the morning. Usually stored in a refrigerator, the pregnancy test kit should be at room temperature before use. Collect your clean urine in a dry glass or container. Now, with the help of a pregcolor card get started with the test. Place the pregcolor card on a clean, flat surface and take a few drops of urine. Using a dropper, which is available in the kit, place the urine drops in a circular motion. Usually that is marked as \'S\'. Make sure you do not spill urine on the reading strip. Now after waiting for 3 to 5 minutes, read the test results. If you find that your test is negative, wait for 72 hours and perform the test again. The first negative result might be due to taking the test too early or if your hormone levels didn\'t rise enough to be detected. Follow the same instructions again and repeat the test.