These days, women are not as eager to commit. What’s changed? “Getting married,” “tying the knot,” and “walking down the aisle” has, for centuries, been pigeon-holed to form part of the females-only club. Sure, conventional wisdom attaches the actual proposal to the man in the relationship, but isn’t it his significant other who fantasises and romanticises about the big event and ‘life’ thereafter? Not so, according to the findings of a recent online survey The Battle of The Sexes, which polled some 1000 or so South Africans about various aspects of their relationships, health, exercise routines and career. Admittedly, I was taken aback after learning that, of the respondents involved in long-term relationships, a surprising 62.1% of men deemed marriage ‘essential’ as opposed to only 55.8% of women. Now, I get – and even admire - the fact that women have made great strides in terms of societal participation. But – and I’d like you to answer below with your thoughts and/opinions - have our career ambitions and desire for independence developed so much that we’ve really quit the dream, so to speak, of someday meeting our Prince Charming, marrying him, moving into a gorgeous house and having kids?