Nabila Mounib has become the first woman in Morocco to lead a major leftist party, the Unified Socialist Party (PSU). She announced her win today on her Facebook page where she explained that an important battle had been won The PSU boycotted both the constitutional referendum back in July 2011 and the parliamentary elections in November 2011, citing the lack of genuine reforms and referring to the elections, which yielded an Islamist victory, as sham elections. The PSU has also been an active supporter of the pro-democracy February 20th Movement. The February 20th Movement was initially comprised of Islamists, Salafists, leftists, atheists, secularists, etc. Recently, the Islamist Adl wal Ihsan movement departed from the movement, citing constraints on their ability to express their views within the movement. Since then, after a major PSU Congress, many have speculated the PSU has having a more direct role in steering the movement politically