Natural breast cancer prevention: 1. Exercise regularly exercise lowers estrogen levels produced by the body thus reducing the risk of breast cancer. 2. Reduce fat type of fat that trigger breast cancer is weak saturation in the meat, butter, foods that contain full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine. 3. If you eat meat, do not cook it too mature. 4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. 5. Anti-oxidant supplements 6. Eat more fiber. 7. Eating foods containing soy 8. Eat more beans 9. Avoid alcohol. 10. Watch your weight bedan. 11. Avoid xeno-estrogens 12. Bask in the sun. 13. Do not smoke 14. Breastfeed or provide breast milk to your child. 15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy)