American men and women rated sex as highly arousing and pleasurable whether or not condoms and/or lubricants were used, a study has revealed. Condoms and lubricants are commonly used by both women and men when they have sex. Led by Debby Herbenick, PhD, MPH and Michael Reece, PhD, MPH, of the School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana University, researchers reviewed a nationally representative study of men and women in the United States ages 18-59 to assess characteristics of condom and lubricant use during participants\' most recent sexual event, and the relationship of their condom and lubricant use to their ratings of sexual quality. Data were from the 2009 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, which involved the administration of an online questionnaire to a nationally representative probability sample of the U. S. adults. Results showed that men and women consistently rate sex as highly arousing and pleasurable with few differences based on condom or lubricant use. More than twice as many women were unsure whether the condom was lubricated or from what material it was made. \"This may be because men are more likely than women to purchase condoms and to apply condoms,\" said Dr. Herbenick. \"However, it\'s important for more women to become familiar with the condoms they use with their partner so that they can make choices that enhance the safety and pleasure of their sexual experiences,\" she added. Additionally, no significant differences were found in regard to men\'s ratings of the ease of their erections based on condom and lubricant use. The study appeared in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. From : ANI