There are simple ways to start your morning with a better mood. Practice a bit of meditation. You needn't sit for hours surrounded by candles to reap the great benefits of mindfulness meditation. A daily practice of just 15-minutes of meditation has been shown to increase productivity, relieve stress and boost happiness. Gives your usual rushed cup of coffee a run for its money, no? While you wake, practice being present just where you are. Don't reach for that phone. These days, we're programmed to check our phones for emails and messages the minute that very device goes off to wake us. In fact, 63 percent of smartphone users age 18-29 admit to taking a cell phone, smartphone or tablet to bed with them at night (meaning, it's just as easy to find in the morning). Innocently checking your inbox first thing may put a damper on the rest of your day: This plays into the idea of starting your first minutes with something selfish and just for you. If you're checking your email, you're working to respond to someone else's needs, without first acknowledging your own.To remedy, buy yourself a good, old-fashioned alarm clock and keep your phone in the other room while you sleep -- you won't be tempted to reach for it. Mentally list three things for which you're grateful. One of the greatest things about gratitude -- besides the fact that it can boost your mood, increase your energy levels and amplify your resilience -- is that you can practice it anywhere. Even groggily, your day will benefit from some positive thinking first thing. Journal, why don't you? Whether you decide to jot down your dreams from the night before, your goals for the day to come or scattered thoughts is up to you: The physical act of writing with a pen may get your creative juices flowing. Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, explains that the act stimulates a much larger portion of the brain’s thinking and "working memory" regions than does typing. And a little hand-scribbling also might offer a little relief if you're in the routine of typing on keys all day long. Wake up to your favorite song. That special tune that makes you feel on top of the world? Let it be the soundtrack of day. Listening to the right, happy beat can enhance your emotional state Just stretch. There is nothing -- nothing -- like an enormous arm stretch first thing in the morning, accompanied by a bear-esque yawn. It just feels so good. Even better, greeting the day with a great, big stretch can actually help to wake you up: The act works to increase your flexibility, improves circulation and relieves tension. Visualize your wonderful day ahead. Thoughts become things. There is power to visualization: Simply picture yourself accomplishing your goals for the day in stride, and you'll be closer to doing so. For years, athletes have used this trick to see themselves through to the finish line, and there's no reason you can't do the same. Take it a little further with some bed-friendly yoga. Yep -- you can sneak in some om without rolling out your yoga mat. The bed is just the perfect place to do a few particular moves -- like a reclining goddess pose or a forward bend. "Yoga is a great way to unwind from stress or greet the day''.