Do you sheepishly mark the anniversary of your first kiss? That\'s nothing--we found a pair that celebrates \"Collard Greens Day,\" and it gets even stranger... \"Before I cooked for my husband for the first time, I asked what his favorite vegetable was and he said collard greens. I didn\'t realize he was kidding! He was shocked to see them on the table but ended up loving them, so I make them once a year to relive that kooky time. He always says the same thing: \'Collard greens! I love collard greens!\'\" --GAIL LEICHT, Mahwah, NJ. \"We invented Kerrot Day, which we celebrate on July 27--my favorite month, and Jerrod\'s favorite day. Then we combined our first names and called it a holiday, so we would have a day besides our anniversary that\'s just for us.\" --KERSTIN VANZANTEN, Temecula, CA. \"On our first date, we went to a ridiculous show called \'Point Break Live\' where they acted out the movie on stage. Now every time the movie is on TV, we always watch some of it.\" --KATHLEEN BAXTER, Brooklyn, NY.