Women between 25-45 are obsessed with looking good and staying in shape... Go to any gym today and speak to the young women who daily exercise there, or ask a yoga teacher or gym instructor what is the common complaint their clients have, and they will say that women are constantly thinking of how they can reduce weight and remain trim like the actresses/models on screen. The well toned and well sculpted bodies of Kareena Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif and even the yummy mummies like Karisma Kapoor and Malaika Arora Khan become an ideal for young women who become mothers. They constantly obsess with the way they look soon after they get a baby and want to fit into dresses that they wore before their pregnancy, so that they can again look good and attractive. Yoga expert and consultant Komal Shah says, "The minute I step into my morning class the women come to me with demands that are difficult on common standards. They want to achieve a certain measurement for their thighs, waist, hands, hips and so on. They do not understand that fitness is about achieving a weight that is proportional to the height and maintaining a good BMI. Wonder where they get these measurements from? They obsess, they stress, eat very less and then fall sick because their immunity levels go down." Across these age groups, women facing such issues with their weight is growing in number. They are known to go on all kinds of fad diets and do not eat at long intervals of time. Whether it is young women or women who have just delivered a baby, they are in a race to look good. Blame it on the constant media images of these perfect women with great bodies everywhere. Says Meenakshi Thakkar, a homemaker, "There are stories of how these women go for rigorous weight loss - for example there was a recent story about Mandira Bedi losing weight immediately 9 months after her pregnancy. This motivates us to reduce weight like that." Dietition and therapist Kalpana Shah says, "Women are not even sleeping enough and have relationship issues with their partners fretting over their weight. They are so obsessed that even if they splurge on ice-cream or pizza, they start thinking of puking it out in some time or taking laxatives. They feel that they can remove such food from their system by consuming laxatives. This is totally wrong. This only spoils the system further." Many times the reason for looking good is often blamed by the women on their partners, they feel that men can never accept fat women. The correct way, accordingto many experts is to follow a balanced diet and eat regular meals every 2 hours and follow an exercise regimen that suits your body. Consultation with certified doctors and dietitions will lead the way to looking and feeling good.