Twelve per cent of American mothers use their phones during sex, a new survey questioning women on how they use media has revealed. The survey undertaken by Meredith Parents Network, Moms and Media 2, has found that the technology-obsessed behaviour comes from mothers aged between 18 and 35, dubbed as \'Millennial moms\'. \'There is no part of their lives that is media free,\' the Daily Mail quoted the statement issued by company. However, questions on whether these mothers use their cell phones during intimate moments to answer a call, reply to a text message, check Facebook or simply take pictures are left unanswered. \"When we saw the results we were wondering the same exact thing,\" a spokesperson for Meredith Parents Network told Today. \"Unfortunately we don\'t have any anecdotal data about the how\'s or the why\'s,\" she said. The survey also revealed that 21per cent of moms uses their phones while on the toilet. Carey Witmer, president of Meredith Parents Network, explained: \"Today\'s moms are media omnivores. They are constantly creating new rules about how and when media intermingles with their busy lives.\" Other findings in the survey revealed 81percent of Millennial mums said that they used their smart phones mostly to shop, with an average of 13 apps on their phones, two-thirds say that fewer than half of those apps are for their kids. While more than eight in ten moms use Facebook, 72per cent said that they were frustrated by \"all of the recent Facebook changes to its format and privacy policies.\" Fifty-three percent said they feel Facebook \"wastes their time,\" and 55percent of time-starved mums said that they de-friended companies on the social network site, because of \'too many messages and ads\'. Showing that video streaming is becoming more popular with Millienial moms, 23per cent streamed TV in 2011, compared to 16 per cent in 2010 - while 41per cent said they watched live TV in 2011, compared to 55 per cent in 2010. Completed last November and December, the survey looked at a \'nationally representative sample\' of 1,041 Millennial moms, with children from infants to age 12.