During work lunch hour usually comes at the least appropriate times, making you skip the whole meal all together. Eating several small meals over the course of a day is better than starving yourself till dinner then stuffing your face in leftover Chinese food. Preparing your work lunch snack beforehand can be the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself. By preparing your food in advance, lunch break will be a ritual that you actually enjoy. Here are 8 fun snacks that are quick to put together and YUM: 1.Peanut Butter and Jelly rolls. By using flat Iranian bread, spread a thin layer of peanut butter on to the bread, and top with any flavor jam you prefer. Roll it in to a big sandwich, and then cut up the sandwich into bite-size rolls. 2.Nachos. Yes, you heard me. Nachos are quite healthy, containing vegetables and meat; they can fill you up during lunch. Buy ready-made nacho shells/ tortilla chips at the supermarket, slice and dice some vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, corn, beans, … and cut up a piece of turkey breast slices or smoked chicken. Dips can range from salsa, to sour cream, to even guacamole. 3.Frozen Pancakes. Cooking pancakes before you head to work can be a bit time consuming. Over the weekend, cook pancakes, waffles, French toast, or whatever, and store them in the freezer. Take them with you to work and pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds to have them as good as new. Don’t forget your toppings: maple syrup, chocolate spread, honey, cheese … 4.Yogu- Fruit salad. Healthy and fun can rarely be found but you won’t regret trying this. Chop up all the different kinds of fruits you have lying around the house into a large salad bowl. Add two cups of flavored yogurt, and then drizzle with honey syrup to sweeten. 5.Leftovers. Some things taste better the next day, like pizza, Chinese food, or spaghetti. Don’t be afraid to re-heat and pack leftovers, it’s convenient and it’s still food you know?! 6.Cereal. Whether you like low/ non- fat, cereal makes a great lunch. Low on calories, high on fiber, and fills you up, cereal is guaranteed to even help you lose weight. 7.Salad bag. Instead of the usual Tupperware containers, try packing your salad into zip lock bags instead. Put the dressing first at the bottom of the bag, and lettuce on top. Toss all your favorite veggies in there and zip lock it. Put it in the fridge and when it’s time to eat, just shake it and toss it around. 8.Mini cheese pizza. Using pita bread spread a thin layer of salsa or marinara sauce on to the bread. Put a thin slice of cheddar cheese on top or some mozzarella shreds. Top with olives or vegetables, and then pop in the toaster for 10 minutes. Refrain from using the microwave for best results. 9.7th grade Lunch. Take with you to work what your mum used to give you back in 7th grade. That would usually be a banana, yogurt, turkey/ cheese sandwich, and a pack of juice. 10.Noodles and/ or soup. Available at the supermarket in microwavable cups, noodles and soup have become really convenient and almost instant to prepare. Just add hot water and simmer.