If your child has a suspected food allergy you should not eliminate the food that might be causing it. Professor Orlesh Van advises on how to deal with food allergies in children. Professor Orlesh Van, an allergy expert at the network ‘Health, your way to life’ says that parents should not make their children follow allergy elimination diets as this could result in nutritional deficiencies. The German expert recommends parents to consult a specialist if they suspect their child is manifesting allergies to certain foods. “The doctor will do several blood and skin tests on the child to tell whether or not you should eliminate the foods suspected to be causing the allergy,” says Professor Orlesh Van. “If your child has the same allergy symptoms the next time he or she eats the suspected food then you can be sure he has an allergy to it.” In order to prevent the allergy the German expert recommends the parents to set up a balanced diet under the supervision of a doctor. “This way the child will get all the nutrients necessary to his healthy growth, despite eliminating the foods causing the allergy,” Professor Orlesh Van adds. Milk, eggs, nuts, fruits and wheat are all foods that can trigger allergic reactions in children.