Exercising while you\'re pregnant is very important. It is also very beneficial for you and your baby. Being fit can help you look and feel great, and it will prepare you for labor. Even though you are usually aware of the importance of exercising, sometimes there\'s just not enough motivation, you simply don’t feel like working out. In any case you need a push, so by going through the benefits of exercising stated here, we hope you won\'t feel lazy anymore. REV YOU ENGINES During pregnancy you usually feel too tired to exercise. But you will be surprised by how much energy you have once you get started, as regular training helps elevate your metabolism, regulate your body temperature and improve your sleeping routine. IMPROVE CIRCULATION Exercise improves circulation and stimulates the digestive process which helps you prevent some of pregnancy\'s common discomforts like constipation, cramps and swelling. AVOID GESTATIONAL DIABETES During pregnancy, hormones from the placenta create insulin resistance which in some cases leads to gestational diabetes. If you work out regularly you narrow down your possibilities of facing this problem. BOOST YOUR SELF ESTEEM During your nine months of pregnancy you will also experience frequent mood swings, anxiety and even depression. But if you work out you get rid of this stress and negativity and improve your self esteem. PREVENT BACK PAIN Because of your baby\'s weight you may suffer some back pain while pregnant. If you are active and exercise regularly you get to strengthen the muscles which support the back and hip, so you can relieve some of the back and hip pain. PREPARE FOR CHILD BIRTH Research and studies show that women who exercise during pregnancy go through the long duration and exhaustion of labor easier than those who doesn’t exercise. It is true that exercising takes away the pain but it also improves your breathing, strengthens your muscles and gives more tolerance to go through this marathon. BE READY FOR THE BABY Carrying your baby, his carrier, a diaper bag and maybe more of the baby accessories, needs a fit person. So you need to train your body for this task. You can concentrate on strengthening your legs muscles, upper body and arms. GET YOUR SHAPE BACK A very simple rule - the less weight you gain over the nine months the easier you will get your body back in shape after delivery. To guarantee that you won\'t exceed the allowed weight gain you have to be an active person and exercise everyday along with following a balanced diet. We hope that after going through these benefits of working out during your nine months of pregnancy, you will no longer feel motivated. So go buy some new training clothes and comfortable shoes to wear to encourage you to get in action. Finding one friend or two who can accompany you to the club or the gym will also give you a great push.