Get rid of mild scars caused by burnsMild burns can be painful and leave ugly scars. While getting the right treatment at the earliest is important, it’s also necessary to attend to the wounds immediately. While some wounds heal fast others do take time and sometimes leave scars behind. It’s best to take your doctors advice before applying any creams or trying something new. Here’s what you can do to get rid of mild scars. Once the burn has healed totally, a dermabrasive treatment can be carried out with the use of scrubs. Twice a week, mix rice powder with yogurt and apply on the area. Rub gently on the skin with circular motions, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Wash off with water. Make a paste of gram flour, yogurt and a pinch of turmeric and apply on the area twice a week. Wash it off after half an hour. Aloe vera gel can also be applied daily and washed off after 20 minutes. After consulting a doctor, Vitamin E oil may be applied on the area. Aloe vera gel can be used straight from the plant. Keeping a potted aloe vera plant in the home is a great way to have a supply of aloe vera. The plant is low maintenance, but a very effective home remedy. Break off a small piece of plant and squeeze the gel-like pulp into your hand.