I tested out Sensasia’s body sculpting and cellulite therapy package with products by Elemis as part of my Detox Delight five-day juice detox. Before doing a detox, colonic irrigation is recommended; I was happy to hear there’s an easier way to get the benefits, through a (admittedly tough) massage. The treatment focuses on the lower body, aiming to get the digestion going and clear out toxins, along with cellulite, so if you’re conscious of your hips and thighs, this is for you. I like results-driven treatments, so the no-pain, no-gain approach wasn’t an issue, but if you’re super-sensitive, be aware, the drainage massage is very firm. Your cellulite will be kneaded into submission, and any flabby bits get a through drubbing. Part of the massage focuses on the stomach, which wasn’t too uncomfortable, but I didn’t see an upswing in my digestion, although it was done during, rather than before my detox (once you’re only having juice, there’s not a lot of digestion going on, anyway). The treatment ends with a fennel and birch peel-off mask to firm and tighten the skin, during which time you’ll get a scalp massage. I loved the nice touches afterwards — a relaxing room where you are brought a bracing fresh ginger tea and brilliantly, carrot sticks — a lovely touch that sadly I couldn’t enjoy because I was still three days away from solids. But it’s nice not be tempted with a biscuit. I walked out feeling light and my thighs were firmer and more toned, temporarily. For those who are serious about firming and getting those toxins out, a series of treatments while detoxing would be recommended. From:Gulf news