It takes more than a treadmill and a strict diet to shed off the most stubborn fat of all — tummy flab. But it’s not impossible. There’s nothing like a sagging stomach to make any woman feel self-conscious about her body. But, here are some tips which will help you lose those extra kilos: Diet - Make sure that you eat small meals every two-three hours in a day. This will keep hunger pangs at bay and keep you full without making you binge on unhealthy snacks. - Water intake should be optimal — about six-eight litres of water every day. - Avoid having cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. These lead to inflammation of the stomach which leads to a bloated belly. - Avoid wheat and gluten in your diet. - Do not go overboard with the consumption of alcohol. - Chew your food properly and eat slowly. - Increase your intake of soluble fibre. Exercise A good walk with a good breathing technique early in the morning can help get rid of the bloated tummy. - Lie flat on your back and slowly bring your left knee up to your chest. Make sure you keep your right leg as close to the floor as possible. - Hold your left knee as tight as possible to your chest and count to 20. - Release your left knee and repeat with your right knee and count to 20. - Alternate the movement of your knees. Repeat five times or more as per your convenience. - Yoga is the perfect way to cut down on stress. It helps tone the flab around your belly and also work wonders for the rest of the body. - Do crunches to shed those extra kilos off your stomach. With your back on the mat and knees bent, and your hands kept crossed on the chest or at the back of your head, inhale and lift your head and shoulders by tightening your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for a few seconds, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat five times.