This special five-day retreat offers a great opportunity to deepen on the cause of suffering in life and offers tools from Ancient and Wise Yoga to Alleviate this suffering and bring bliss into our modern lives, from Sunday, May 11—Friday, May 16, 2014 with Swami Dharmananda at the Yoga Fram Ashram in Grass Valley, California. Participants will have the opportunity to be involved in the activities of a classical yoga ashram: taking part in Satsang (silent meditation, chanting and lecture), yoga classes-Yoga asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing), healthy and delightful brunches and dinners, karma yoga, free time, nature walks, meditation twice daily, and of course, the workshops on Karma and Dharma. About Swami Dharmananda Swami Dharmananda is one of the main teachers of Hatha Yoga and Meditation at the Ashram. He took sannyas vows in 2013 and is assistant director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm. Swami Dharmananda is keenly interested in yoga psychology and philosophy, presenting the classical teaching in a practical and accessible way to people of all faiths and backgrounds. The Yoga Farm also hosts a Yoga Nidra course, courses on Yogic philosophy, Yoga for back pain and ayurvedic retreats, and an advanced teacher's training course (ATTC). The Advanced Yoga Teacher's Training Course helps graduates to deepen their spiritual practice and their study of Hatha yoga, Vedanta philosophy, Raja yoga, anatomy and Sanskrit. The advanced class gives students an additional chance to practice under guidance in a supportive atmosphere, which provides many with a boost of energy and clarity. About Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm In 1971, Swami Vishnudevananda returned to California and founded the third ashram in the young Sivananda International organization: the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm on 40 acres of land located in the Gold Country of the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foothills in Northern California. The non-profit, non-sectarian ashram offers yoga classes, retreats and teacher training courses for students of all abilities. Sorce: PRWEB