There are some great fashion bargains online, and the best thing is you can search the fashion ranges on offer from main high street stores, catalogues and action sites 24/7, so if you are too busy to get to the shops yourself you can still stock up on all of the latest hot season trends. Shopping online is very convenient, but there are a number of things you need to watch out for so here are a few tips for buying clothes and shoes over the Internet. Postage Don’t forget to check the postage costs and add them to the final price. If you are shopping from a main high street store website then you will often be paying a bit more than if you bought the item in store, because of postage and packing. Look out for those online stores that have offers on postage such as free delivery for orders over £50, and rather than buying clothes from lots of different websites (this will mean more postage), try and find an online store that can meet the majority of your fashion needs and combine the order into one, as then you will only have one delivery charge. If you are buying from an online auction website such as eBay, then don’t forget that if you buy a couple of different outfits from one seller, before you pay for the separate items you can email the seller and ask them if they can combine the delivery, and give you a new amended charge for the postage. Most sellers are willing to do this and you can save quite a bit of money on postage charges this way. Sizes Because you are buying online you will not of course be able to try the clothes on first, so make sure you know your own fitting sizes well, and look out for online stores that allow you to return items if they do not fit. If you are buying from a high street store website and see a bargain price that is only available online, you could take the time to go into the store and see if they have a similar outfit you could try on, just to check the sizing before you go ahead and buy it. Payment Options and Website Security You should never buy anything online unless you are sure the website has up to date encrypted SSL security software in place to protect your details, so always check this first before you go through the checkout process. Don’t forget if you are buying online you will not be able to pay by cheque or cash, so you will need a credit or debit card in order to process your payment and buy your items.