Your child\'s future lies in his fingerprints

Studying genetic coding via fingerprint mapping, researchers can find out precisely what your child can grow up to be. Generic aptitude and personality tests are passe. Now there\'s a new method of evaluating one\'s inborn intelligences through simple biometrics, where fingerprints hold the key to your future. The concept is being touted as the next big future-mapping trend to hit the country. Scientific backing Ideally aimed at schoolgoing children, the method is based on the scientific premise that the patterns on one\'s fingertips are in sync with the patterns on an individual\'s left and right brain. These in turn can point out the inborn potential of a person. After a simple method of collecting all 10 fingerprints, the results are then collated into a detailed report based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences - which states that everyone is intelligent in at least eight different ways and can develop each aspect of intelligence to an average level of competency. These intelligences show whether your logical skills are higher than your linguistic ones, if you\'re rhythmically inclined, a naturalist or if you are left brain thinker (someone who analyses everything) or a right brain one (artistic). Says Sejal Vora, a consultant affiliated to an international institute that has brought the technique to the city, \"Who wouldn\'t want to understand their own mind, or what their kids are best suited to career-wise? You may want your child to become an engineer, when he may be more musically inclined, but because of parental pressure the child may not achieve his or her full potential as a person and a professional.\" There\'s no doubting its accurate results as compared to assumptive IQ tests either. \"It\'s 110 per cent correct,\" adds Vora. \"After all, how can your fingerprints be wrong?\" \'Adults should do it too\' Says Hira Bhesania of New Activity High School in the city, whose students have tried it out. \"I have found this method very good and have tried it on myself. I would definitely advise children to try it out.\" Socialite Elina Meswani too has done the evalutation for herself, her son Ishan and daughter Gayatri. \"I was skeptical initially, but my husband (corporate head honcho Nikhil Meswani), heard about it on a trip abroad and convinced me to try it. I found the test results enlightening. I think adults should try it out too, as it can change lives.\" All about dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphics is the study of the skin patterns on fingers and hands. These patterns are unique and heavily linked with one\'s genetic composition, and are closely related to the central nervous system. The study has absolute scientific basis, and has been analysed and proved with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics. Tests based on Dermatoglyphics can reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents, enhance leaning experiences by identifying learning styles, personalise academic and extra curricular programs, reveal hidden talents, build confidence and make academic and career choices easier.