Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page showing the post by hacker

Mark Zuckerberg\'s Facebook page showing the post by hacker A Palestinian information system expert hacked into the Facebook page of Mark Zuckerberg after the network’s security team failed to recognised a bug which allows anyone to post on someone\'s wall. Khalil Shreateh apologised to Zuckerberg for \"breaking\" his privacy by hacking into his page and posting a note on his wall.
“Sorry for breaking your privacy. I had no other choice…after all the reports I sent to Facebook team,\" he wrote, posting an image grab of the post on his blog.
The Palestinian hacker detailed how he had reported the glitch through Facebook’s security feedback page, but was told \"Sorry, this is not a bug.\"

After two more vulnerability reports, he decided to post the message on Zuckerberg\'s wall using the name \'Khalil\'.
Facebook, which offers a minimum reward of $500 for each real security bug report, has refused to pay Shreateh due to his intrusive methods. However, the social networking website has acknowledged the existence of the bug and moved swiftly to fix it.
\"We fixed this bug on Thursday,” wrote Matt Jones from Facebook’s security team in a Saturday post on Hacker News.
Facebook also reinstated Shreateh\'s account after it was deactivated during the attack.