Washington - Arabstoday
Designer of expensive gadgets, Apple is facing criticism from customers who bought the new Ipad only to find that its Wifi connectivity apparently is not up to scratch. The company\'s support forums are ablaze with angry Ipad owners who, having finally got their hands on its latest tablet, find that they cannot get a decent wireless internet connection. Posting on Apple\'s web site this week \'stlsteve\' complained, \"I am in a hotel with my laptop and new ipad3. The laptop wifi reception is as strong as it gets, but the iPad only registers a weak signal. Anyone else having similar problems? Any suggestions?\" On the same support thread \'grubbii\' reported the same issue with Wifi connectivity, saying, \"I am seeing this too. I am currently writing this from my Ipad 1 because my new ipad RIGHT BESIDE ME doesn\'t pick up my Wifi signal.\" Another Ipad punter named \'Sully2003\' added, \"Same here! Will not hold Wifi for more than a few minutes. Two Macbooks and IPhone working fine from same router. Ready to return IPad!!!!!\" And a fanboi going by \'It_caveman\' expressed similar frustration with the \"subpar\" $877 tablet after owning all previous versions of the Ipad, saying, \"Settings are the same as the Ipad2. I am running a Iphone 4s and an i7 Macbook Air on the same routers. I have two year old Airport Extreme, one at work one at home and there are setup the same. \"All routers and devices have all updates installed. I even tried a dual band Netgear router and all my stuff has great connectivity and range expect the Ipad. If this is the trade off for the better display, it just not worth it and then new pad will be returned for refund. I\'ll give it a few more days to see if Apple release any updates that might help but for the first time the hype of the new device just hasn\'t stacked up.\" The list of complaints goes on and this thread alone has almost 300 postings at the moment. It remains to be seen if this issue affects all new Ipads and what Apple is doing to resolve these complaints. We have asked Apple to comment.