Apple\'s chief executive has hinted at something Apple fans have wanted for a long time, an Apple-made television, saying TV is an area \"of great interest.\" In an interview for \"Rock Center With Brian Williams\" set to air Thursday evening on NBC, Apple head Tim Cook suggested such a product could be in the works, The New York Times reported. \"When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years,\" Cook told NBC\'s Brian Williams. \"It\'s an area of intense interest. I can\'t say more than that.\" When Apple announced in 2006 the Apple TV set-top box for wirelessly streaming iTunes content to a television set, Apple leader Steve Jobs said he looked at it as an important part of the company\'s future plans. In an interview last year, biographer Walter Isaacson said Jobs, who died in October 2011, \"had three things that he wanted to reinvent: the television, textbooks and photography.\" Apple is notoriously closed-mouth about future product plans, leaving fans to chew on the morsel of information Cook has offered up and wonder.