According to specialist analysts, Facebook is well on its way to generate $ 1 billion in revenue this year simply from social gaming. According to Kevin Ryan, the former CEO of online advertising giant DoubleClick, most of this revenue will come from advertising and Facebook Credits; allowing users to buy items in games. Ryan is now chief executive of luxury flash-sales company Gilt Groupe, but he invests in other Internet businesses including news website The Business Insider and 10gen, which runs MongoDB, a database that\'s popular with start-ups. In early 2011, Ryan’s brother became the director of gaming partnerships at Facebook. The social networking giant has more than 500 million active users all over the world. All this attention and loyal traffic continues to attract a lot more ads on the website. Every day, companies are stepping up their game by advertising online on Facebook. Ad spending is expected to surpass $4 billion this year. A big chunk of that ad revenue comes from social games that are played on Facebook\'s platform. Facebook is a private company and doesn\'t disclose financial information. Zynga Inc, the dominant developer of social games played on Facebook, filed for a $1bn initial public offering on Friday. Despite issues floating earlier regarding morally gray areas and privacy scandals, Facebook remains a powerful force on the Internet. Approximately, one in thirteen people are active on Facebook, from teenagers to politicians to President Obama. Everybody uses Facebook for different reasons but it is one commonly powerful platform that grows stronger by the day. Its potential to offer help to individuals and companies can be described as endless.