Washington - UPI
Talk about a dogged presidential campaign: First pooch Bo has the starring role in an Internet ad for U.S. President Obama\'s re-election bid. The Internet ad opens with a two-toned blue background, similar to other pro-Obama spots, then Bo appears on screen, tongue out and roaring to play, The Washington Post reported Monday. \"Join Pet Lovers for Obama,\" the ad implores. Political pets have long attracted attention. Then-Sen. Richard M. Nixon\'s dog, Checkers, was the subject of speech on an early 1950s scandal. Bill Clinton had an adopted stray cat, Socks. But Obama may be trotting into uncharted territory by featuring his Portuguese water dog in campaign ads and fundraising appeals, the Post said. Mark McKinnon, a top campaign adviser for former President George W. Bush, quipped that the 2012 race \"has gone to the dogs.\" But McKinnon also told the Post a candidate\'s relationship with animals can be an important point for many voters. \"People look at a whole constellation of attributes when they vote for president,\" McKinnon said. \"Pet lover may not be high on the list, but it\'s on the list.\"